Strong Environmental Laws and Modern Forest Practices
Improving Environmental Outcomes Through Technology
Managing for Multi‑generational Environmental and Economic Benefit
Safeguarding the Shared Benefits of Healthy Forests

OFIC Celebrates One Year of Podcasting
February 19, 2024 Last February, OFIC launched a new podcast aimed at policymakers in Oregon called Forestry Smart Policy. The podcast has one mission: provide context and knowledge on foundational, current and emerging topics impacting forest management in Oregon. The goal is simple: intelligent, sustainable, healthy decision making. From the outset we acknowledge we are […]

OFIC launches new wildfire funding explainer website
In an effort to help policymakers better understand Oregon’s wildfire funding system, today OFIC launched a new explanatory section of its website dedicated to wildfire funding and the current funding crisis. Check it out here!
In the News

In Oregon, homes don’t come from the hardware store
**This opinion originally ran in the Portland Tribune It’s rare to see Democrats and Republicans come together as productively as they recently did with the passage of a $376 million package aimed at addressing Oregon’s chronic undersupply of housing. Despite divisive national rhetoric, Oregon legislators of all stripes are realizing the only reliable way out […]

Did you know humans are the number one cause of wildfires in Oregon?
Many private forestland owners keep their land open for public recreation during the year, but close it during fire season to mitigate risk. Click here for a list of current closures. Visit Keep Oregon Green to find out how you can help reduce human-caused wildfires.
Did you know OFIC has a scholarship program that has awarded more than $275,000 to OSU College of Forestry students over the past 11 years?